Bharti Airtel has silently introduced two data packs priced at Rs 78 and Rs 248. Similar to the Prime Video Mobile Edition data plans launched recently, the two new plans come bundled with Wynk Premium subscription. Airtel launched these two plans as data-only plans without voice calling and SMS benefits. The Rs 78 pack offers 5GB of data, whereas the Rs 248 pack comes with 25GB of data. These plans will have to be recharged on top of any other active recharge. Airtel says the users with Active Bundle or Smart Packs are eligible for the Wynk Premium bundled data plans. The two newly launched plans are available across all the circles and they can be recharged via the company’s Airtel Thanks app or official website.

Bharti Airtel Rs 78 Data Pack: Benefits Detailed

The Rs 78 Bharti Airtel Data Pack offers a user 5GB of data and the validity will be same as your existing pack. As mentioned above, the two plans- Rs 78 and Rs 248 are just data packs, and they are applicable to existing users on an active prepaid plan. The USP of this prepaid plan is Wynk Premium subscription. The validity of the Wynk Premium subscription is 30 days.

Bharti Airtel Rs 248 Data Pack: Benefits Detailed

With the Bharti Airtel Rs 248 pack, the telco has increased the data benefit by five times to 25GB. The Wynk Premium benefit remains the same, albeit the validity increase to one year. The Rs 1,498 plan offers just 24GB of data, so you can add another 25GB of data by recharging the Rs 248 pack alongside availing the free Wynk Premium benefit. For the unaware, Wynk Premium or Wynk Music Premium is the music service from Bharti Airtel. Wynk Music is one of the free go-to music streaming application for both Airtel and non-Airtel users in India. All the Airtel prepaid and postpaid plans come bundled with free Wynk Music subscription with unlimited song download option. However, there’s a certain limitation with Wynk Music free service. This is where the Wynk Premium service comes into the picture. Wynk Premium offers free access to hellotunes with unlimited song change option, free Podcasts and Live Concerts. Existing Airtel customers earlier had the option to purchase Wynk Premium subscription at Rs 29 per month, whereas non-Airtel users had to shell out Rs 49 every month. Wynk Premium annual plan costs Rs 299. The Rs 78 and Rs 248 are live across all circles on Airtel’s mobile app and website.

Bharti Airtel Brings 2 New Data Packs Bundled With Wynk Premium Subscription - 28