It looks it has become an ‘outage’ season for digital platforms and telecom networks. In one week, we have seen Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp outages along with Jio’s network issues in Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh circle. Now, according to new development, users of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) have faced network outage issues. According to a report from The Tribune, BSNL’s network issues were present across its services including broadband, mobile internet, and phone calling services. Users living in the Amritsar and nearby areas were affected by the network outage.

BSNL Users Had to Go Through a Tough Time

BSNL users who didn’t have any other SIM card or a broadband connection from another company were completely disconnected from the world for a while. They couldn’t even report the issues to BSNL officials since they had no medium for connectivity. Tersam Lal, a government contract told the publication that he had started facing network issues from Thursday night. Lal complained that he couldn’t carry out his usual work because of network issues. The cause of the network outage is not known at the moment. It took hours before the network of BSNL came back online for the users so that they can connect back to the internet and world. During the concerned hours where the network of the state-run telecom company was down, people couldn’t work from their homes, students couldn’t join their online classes, and a lot more activities had become difficult for the users of BSNL. Since the issue was there for hours, BSNL should issue a statement for the cause and let the users know that it won’t happen again. There are over 5 lakh subscribers of BSNL’s services across mobile, broadband, as well as leased line connection in the concerned region. All of these 5 lakh subscribers had to face the network outage issues of BSNL. It looks like an ‘outage’ of services has become the trend.

BSNL Users Face Outage for Several Hours - 19