Note: The new version of Android 11 Developer Preview 2 is not intended for consumers, so it is recommended not to install it. This update is aimed at developers who are working to adapt their applications and improve it for the next version of Google’s operating system. What’s New in Android 11 Developer Preview 2 With each new version of Android, the persistent new feature always arrives, all these options aim to improve the software of millions of devices. Often they are only for developers; other times, they include a redesign of the interface. Furthermore, the new version of Android 11, the so-called Developers Preview 2, combines these three aspects. As Google now consolidates the evolution of its operating system with a substantial step towards privacy and innovation. 5G is Key to Android 11 With 5G being the new marketing strain in the Mobile industry market, manufacturers are going to stretch users with 5G connectivity in the coming years. First in the highest range of devices, but also to the mid-range smartphones. And Android 11 must face all the challenges to come. This is the reason why Google has included a new API in the recent DP2. The new Android 11 operating system can now provide information to applications in order to optimize 5G connectivity. Thanks to the new API, compatible apps can expand their bandwidth for downloads, minimize latency in multiplayer or choose a higher bit rate in video streaming services. The idea is to get more out of the features implicit in 5G. Foldable Phones Get New Compatibility. One of the significant changes at the interface level is the detection of the orientation angle in foldable mobiles. In this way, the applications can be adapted to the frequent use between folding and unfolding; offering two independent sides of the same interface to show different information, for example. More on Privacy and Security Android 10 made a massive leap in privacy by including detecting location access in the background. And Google has now decided to move forward on this highly demanded point, including the change of background access to the microphone and camera. Android 11 Developer Preview 2 introduces a new manifesto in the attributes of microphone and camera. As now the applications that want to access these hardware components will have to first grant the users’ request. This is an excellent boost to privacy in the system. The restricted storage advances its implementation so that applications only have access to the portion of the space that is provided to them. This implies that an app with access to files will not be able to access the entire disk, only its folders. This will prevent information theft between application files, for example. Other Improvements to Android 11 DP2 One of the latest features of the new version Android 11 DP2 is the summary of the phone after a restart. If until now the system did not start until we entered the access PIN, with Android 11 it will start even if the mobile remains blocked. This is perfect for those who set up automatic nightly updates, for example; or for those who activate the daily restart at dawn. Transitions when unfolding the keyboard in Android 11 is also improved. With the synchronization of the transitions between keyboard and application, the deployment movement is much smoother. It can also be controlled manually by the user, which is a small aesthetic detail that is always appreciated. The last innovation highlighted by Google is the compatibility of the system with variable refresh rates. Since this frequency is increasing on devices, the system will be able to adapt to jumps between the panel refresh rate, thanks to a new API in Android 11 DP2.

Google Launches the Second Developer Preview of Android 11 - 47